JJ's (July 2010) Tips in this issue:

1. How to Make Average Great
2. Feedback from May/June Newsletter
3. JJ’s Favorite Quotes
4. Tele-Coaching, Mentoring, Training

Use the following tips as training tools.

Present this situation to your group and brainstorm solutions together, or submit your own situation question to be answered in an upcoming newsletter.


A recent Oprah show took some well-known celebrities back to their early jobs before they became famous. One was Suze Orman, internationally acclaimed personal finance expert, who said she was a short order cook and waitress. For Oprah’s show, she donned a hairnet and uniform to work in that very diner one day while the Oprah crew filmed her. Later she said she had had a great time flipping pancakes and eggs, and she was really good at it even after all those years. Her motto then and now that has brought her success is, “When you make average great, you make your dreams a reality.”

How are you making your job great? How close are you to making your dreams a reality. Start with being great in what ever you are doing now.

SOLUTIONS & Feedback from May/June News:

Here is an email I received from a reader after sending last month’s newsletter. You will recall that the newsletter was on how you may be letting the stressful downturn change your customer care, or maybe you are experiencing poor customer service now as a customer yourself.
With permission to quote her, Sharon Harrison wrote:

“JJ, This is so true, I just experienced this also. At the Eye Doctor of all places.

I went to my usual 2 year time for new glasses exam and when I sat down with the “Friendly” helper we went through all kind of glasses until I settled on a pair. That’s where it turned bad, she kept trying to push all these other things that I never had or needed. Like Anti-glare film, “it really cuts the glare of oncoming cars at night” I explained I don’t wear my glasses for driving, “well you mentioned you are at a computer, they really help cut the glare on the monitor”. I explained I had anti-glare on my computer monitor so never had a problem. This went on and on with all kind of extras, until finally I told her that I have never had any problems with my glasses and just wanted what I always had. I think she finally got the point. I have never had a bad experience with this until now. I really wanted to tell the Doctor about this, but I just wanted to get out of there at this point.

Thanks so much for these eye-opening tips, I pass these along to my team and I get more comments on their individual take on these. They really spark discussions.”

Sharon Harrison
Supervisor Sales/Service
Fifth Gear
Accelerating Commerce
(800) 227-4462
573.754.8707 (Direct)

Thanks for the feedback Sharon.

When you get your team members engaged in giving input, you are building their self esteem, trust and a feeling of being part of the decision making process. Everyone likes to be asked their opinion and respectfully be listened to in discussions. When good ideas come forth, recognition is a MUST. When ideas are implemented, it gives the individual and team a feeling that they are part of management, a part of that decision making process that builds loyalty and a sense of belonging.

Too few managers and supervisors take the time to help their frontline (in-person or phone) staffs make AVERAGE jobs GREAT! Helping customers have a super outcome, regardless of the circumstances, means your frontline people have consistently taken full responsibility for the customers’ experiences. A few people do this naturally, but most need training on how to turn average into great.

You need to hear what your people value and what they envision themselves doing down the road. Learn what excites them, what they fear, what they would love to be doing in the future, what makes their eyes sparkle when they talk about it. Get in their shoes and it will help you bring out that sparkle in their eyes for your customers.

Motivate by example. Turn over a new leaf yourself and let them observe your making average great. They will see a happier, more outgoing, proud person leading them to be great too. Tell them it does not matter what your job is; be great in whatever it is. It will open the door to great things now and in the future.

In Orlando, Florida, I observed a doorman at a Marriott Hotel make an average job absolutely great. It was obvious that he enjoyed his job and was proud to be there. He didn’t mind picking up after the children who dropped popcorn and dripping ice cream cones on his carpet. He was just happy to see them there and everyone knew it.

I saw the manager of the hotel standing inside observing his doorman so I stopped to complement him on his doorman’s attitude and service. He thanked me and said they were very selective in their hiring and gave lots of customer care training. He said they made those who worked for them feel they were an important part of a great family.

Who knows, if that doorman dreams of being the manager some day, he will probably make it a reality. By being great today in whatever you do, you open the door to a great future.

Smile from your great attitude and the whole world will smile with you!


“When you make average great, you make your dreams a reality.”
- Suze Orman


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JJ Lauderbaugh, CMC
408 445-1590, 1716 Husted Ave., San Jose, CA 95124.

JJ works with companies that want to give exceptional customer service to increase sales, and with Directors and Call Center/Help Desk Managers who want to improve human performance.

She's an international speaker, trainer, facilitator and certified management consultant (CMC) on customer service management, specializing in performance improvement, call centers, up/cross selling and outbound calling.

For training resources, free articles, tips and streaming video, go to our web site at: http://www.JJLauderbaugh.com

Copyright and Reprints:

Reprint permission is granted when the following credit appears:

© JJ Lauderbaugh, CMC, JJ Lauderbaugh & Associates, 2010. Reprinted with permission from JJ's Tips, a monthly internet newsletter. For your own personal subscription, email jj@jjlauderbaugh.com.

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